While normally in Ithaca with the Gary and Ben and Steve crowd, I'm currently spending a few weeks in rural northern Michigan. I come up here every year (braving border crossings and late-May snowfall) to hang out at an environmental studies institute, and volunteer in their kitchen while otherwise snuggling into a little cabin on a lake, riding my mountain bike, and being a general recluse. I've been coming here for years, and back in my starry-eyed youthful early 20's I spent two summer working here...mostly painting this mural.
That's freaking SWEET! Wow.
Oh border crossing. I love that they say Canada has a friendly border. That's been the opposite of my experience. They ransacked my parent's van when we were on family vacation. Guess they thought we were posing at hte All American Family on Vacation. This was before 9-11 and all that. They took me, at 16 into immigration and questioned me. Then brought my Dad in to question him about me. They tore through our luggage, pulled out all the tampons from the box and then decided it would be okay to let us in for the day. So we had to repack our van.
I've learned to say "graphic designer" instead of "artist" when asked for my occupation. "Artist" = get the car searched. Especially if traveling with a friend who is an "organic farmer."
OH GOLLY! Christi, I have heard of it, but look at your MURAL!!!!
Shoot, Kasey, it's easy to see you look like an international terrorist...although we wuv our Lizzie (token Canadian) its like having a token ________ or something :)
This is incredible!!
ok y'all,
Border crossing as an artist is a risky game. I once travelled to the states with my boyfriend who had just arrived home from Amsterdam. His mom was an interior decorator, and I was an art student. We were young and pretty. we had his mom's car, and were visiting friends cross border. We were hauled in , searched, rather personally, and questioned extensively about each other/our hobbies, and our family. Apparently, his passport was reason to flag ME, I can not cross the border TWENTY years later without the US gov questioning me. He however lives and works in the US. Neither of us has a criminal record, or anything. Go Figure.It has become easier as an adult but is still almost not worth the hassle. I get searched every time I cross the border. But, I am told our guys are nearly that bad.
ok y'all,
Border crossing as an artist is a risky game. I once travelled to the states with my boyfriend who had just arrived home from Amsterdam. His mom was an interior decorator, and I was an art student. We were young and pretty. we had his mom's car, and were visiting friends cross border. We were hauled in , searched, rather personally, and questioned extensively about each other/our hobbies, and our family. Apparently, his passport was reason to flag ME, I can not cross the border TWENTY years later without the US gov questioning me. He however lives and works in the US. Neither of us has a criminal record, or anything. Go Figure.It has become easier as an adult but is still almost not worth the hassle. I get searched every time I cross the border. But, I am told our guys are nearly that bad.
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