Saturday, June 5, 2010

India's Submission for BABB Art Show

When given the topic Spring India struggled a bit with how her punk rock/abstract style would translate to all the typical images of spring. Her aesthetic is not all roses and sunshine. After tossing around ideas involving actual springs, and thinking she may do a pretty spring picture. The idea for this painting came to her while eating Nachos at the Pumphouse Brewery in Moncton New Brunswick. The booths at Pumphouse are amazing works of graffiti art left by decades of customers. India took this idea for a walk, and came up with this 12x16 mixed media painting on canvas. Materials used include oil and acrylic paint, sharpie, silver paint marker, chalk pastel, charcoal, gel pens and nail polish.
This painting and other examples of India's work Can be found at her Mom's Blog and at her Zibbet store.


Reverend Awesome said...

Very cool, India!!!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

kicks AZZ girl :)

Liz said...

yeah, she is pretty smart!

Unknown said...

I don't know what's wrong with government organizations... I love graffiti. Awesome, India.