Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Isle of Dogs

Here's a new painting, and you can all say you saw it first. I don't want to post it on my regular blog yet, but am excited and want to share it somewhere, and what better place than to my wee lovely BABB group?

So, acrylic on board, and the title is "Down Greenwich Reach past the Isle of Dogs." Way less obscure than it initially sounds, once you recognize the shape of the blue line is the Thames as it winds through London (title itself is lifted from a TS Eliot poem). I've been thinking of making some map paintings to honor the places I've lived and loved. Making things abstract-ish is a challenge to me, being a scientific illustrator and all, so it's interesting to push in this direction. Don't know how successful since it's not my forte, but it was a pleasure to paint and I like thinking about London.

I'm actually on a bit of a painting spree, since I have a show going up on July 1st and want new things for it. Kind of love the pressure in a weird way...deadlines are very motivating to inspiration...


Gary's third pottery blog said...

NICE! Unusual for you too. Perfect colors, perfect! thanks for the preview!

Gallow said...

It looks great to me. I like how the the red and yellow seem to be flowing into each other, but not mixing. I also like the green mixed with the yellow, and the dark color in the red. That must be tricky to do with acrylics. (At least that's what I remember from my experience with acrylics in High School about 100 years ago.)

Reverend Awesome said...

I'm not the only one that thrives with deadlines!

It's lovely. Thanks for sharing.