Thursday, June 3, 2010

lovin' the BABB....

GOD. Georges Le Soq emailed this photo of himself in Vegas to Kasey who forwarded it to me. I don't know how he got there and back in one night.....
The wife just flew off to party with her cousins for a few. I am left with the sock monkey. M calls from the airport 2 minutes after I get home. They took her knife at security. Is it worth getting back??? And since I had given it to her for her birthday last year and it is a cool gizmo, I am like MEET ME IN FRONT OF THE AIRPORT. We live 5 miles away. The knife was saved. Don't know what she was thinking...probably not thinking at all....
I love BABB. I have been super busy lately and it remains true: when I am busy and have no time, I still read your blogs. Only those!

1 comment:

Reverend Awesome said...

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except herpes.