Tuesday, May 25, 2010

teh trashy gossip and sh!t....

One of the things I love most about Kasey is that she enjoys sharing trashy gossip with me.
One of the things I love about BABB is sharing trashy gossip with YOU all.
Let's just say that Georges Le Soq has been on a bender....


Reverend Awesome said...

HAHAHA! I am laughing alone in my cube. Damn you, Gary! Also, bless you, Gary!

Here is a little leg shaving story. We had a party at work last week. It's the company's 30th Anniversary. So we are told not to dress up. I wear a black polo and a skirt. I prefer skirts over shorts. Seems weird, but I do. So I declare Wednesday night, "I need to shave my legs in the bath. I dont want to do the stand shower thing if they are going to be exposed." "Yeah. Ok." says Scott. So sometimes, not often, a lady has to shame shave. It is the one time a year my coworkers will see my legs. I didn't want to accidently miss a strip of leg hair and expose that to the professional world.

Gallow said...

His eyes look all glazed over in the first photo. It's almost as if there was no signs of life in them. Wow, that must have been some binge.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

Kasey, Maude also wears skirts not shorts, and Georges goes, as usual, entirely pantless and commando....

Reverend Awesome said...

Skirts are just WAY more comfortable. You don't have that confining strip of fabric between your legs. I mean, other than underpants. Georges, you really should think about underpants...

Gallow said...

I'm a runner, and there is a group of women who run in skirts instead of shorts. I also know one guy that uses a kilt. I haven't tried it yet, because I haven't wanted to shave my legs.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

Gallow, who says you have to shave your legs? do hairy Scotsmen shave their legs? NO. I saw Braveheart. Those dudes don't shave a damn thing!

Liz said...

I am also a skirt wearer, and men should always wear kilts. Just don't ask me to weave the atrtan, I am sooooooooo over that faze!