Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BABB Photography Day Photo(s)

Wow!  How lucky am I to share a birthday with Steve!  Today I turned 35.  I am officially in my mid-30s.  No more in my early 30s.  I too feel the same as Steve.  I have no issue with any age I turn.  I firmly believe that your only as old as you feel and I still feel like a kid.  I will NEVER grow up.  :)

In celebration of two BABB Bloggers who have the same birthday and are both photographers - we dedicate August 10 BABB Photography Day!  Today is the 1st Annual BABB Photography Day!  YEAH!

I am totally excited to see what photographs Steve takes with the medium format camera he's borrowed.  I love film and love that I may have inspired someone to put their hand back into it!  :)  I am anxious to get my hand on a film scanner so that I may share with you all more than just iPhone photos of drying 120 film.  I am excited about a few on those negatives and cannot wait to see them in print!

I have two entries for this years 1st Annual BABB Photography Day.  One I actually took yesterday, but hadn't gotten it off the camera yet.  The other I took today.

The first is my adorable doggie Skye.  Can you believe that he is almost 5 months old!  Sheesh how time flies!

The second is a photo of my birthday gift from my daughter Gracie.  She hand-sewed this little cutie.  I have named this little puppy Ruby (which I realized after the fact is Skye's mama's name).  I am such a lover of homemade gifts.  I've been meaning to play with my extension tubes - so I took a photo of Ruby with them.  So far the jury is still out.  They are hard to focus and seems to make my camera go a little wonky.  I do, however, like the shot.  :)

So Sláinte to my fellow BABB photographer who's birthday I share!  I hope yours was a good one!


Reverend Awesome said...

Love the photos, birthday girl!
Skye has healed up like a champ!

Jill Brown said...

Yes he has! I am so glad. Although in a month or so he will be wearing the cone of shame again... Gonna get fixed, the poor fella. ;)

Unknown said...

Skye is such a trooper.. and man, look at how big he is! I won't even recognize him next time I see him. I bet he's 100% happy to not be wearing the cone of shame anymore.

I love Ruby. She's cute, and such a good job for little Gracie! :)

Gallow said...

I'm impressed that you can get Skye to sit still for the photo. Tank is very seldom that calm. Check out the typical Tank activity.


Gallow said...

I forgot to mention that your photography, and seeking Medium Format Photography has been an inspiration to me.

Jill Brown said...

Steve - every day, more and more, I think that Skye was meant to be my dog. I get out my camera and he sits still and waits for me to take the photo. No joke. It amazes me.

...and I am so flattered! :) I have to say I love the photos Gary posts that you take of the group during your Friday night events. Lovely! :D

Jill Brown said...

LOL! I just watched your video of Tank! Skye does that too... there is this witching-hour between 4:00 and 6:00 that he gets possessed and runs around the house like a maniac! :D

How old is Tank?

Gallow said...

Tank is now 2. He has calmed down a little, but still loves new company.

Jill Brown said...

Awe! I'm not sure that they ever get over new company! Our dog Sam, who we had to put to sleep last March, always got excited! And she was 10 years old!

Here's a pic of her...

Gary's third pottery blog said...

oh gosh, I am so far behind! BABB photo day(s) or week ahoy!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

oh gosh, I am so far behind! BABB photo day(s) or week ahoy!

Unknown said...

Love it, love it! :)