Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Favorite Actor

For some reason people think I'm joking when I say he's my favorite actor. I don't know why! He's great!
When he was in Growing Pains I wrote him a letter. Every once in a while my parents would let me get one of those teen magazines and they had addresses for stars, where you could send fan mail. Kids are sooo spoiled these days, with email, twitter and facebook and all that. The stars all seem so much more accessible now. Maybe that's part of the problem. I don't know. We aren't here to talk about the media and celebrity. We're here to talk favorite actor. Yeah, I sent him a letter way back in the day. I didn't hear back from him. I sent a few letters when I was a kid. I sent a letter to NKOTB asking if they would please give me a million dollars to buy this cool house. There was this house I thought was awesome, I asked my mom how much it cost, she said "probably like a million dollars." So off goes the letter. (Update: They didn't give it to me...yet) You know who did reply to me? Ralph Macchio's publicist sent me a signed head shot. It said, "Best wishes, Ralph Macchio" Years after the letter, but that doesn't matter.

ANYWAYS, back to Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. Yes, favorite actor. He's just amazing. He has the best scream. Instead of me describing him I'll show you video evidence of greatness.


Gary's third pottery blog said...

I heard Marky Mark interviewed years back, about how he got Boogie Nights. He said "I got an inch longer longer than Leo" and I always wondered how he knew that.

Reverend Awesome said...

Marky Mark got Boogie Nights because Leo turned it down, which he still regrets.
Also, the penis at the end of that movie is a prosthetic.

Unknown said...

Oooo... Leo would probably be in my top 10. He's pretty great... has there been a movie that Leo did that sucked? I can't remember any.

Reverend Awesome said...

I think the one I didn't like, which is probably just a matter of personal movie taste, I dont know. Maybe it really does suck more than I realize, The Beach.

Unknown said...

I don't know if The Beach sucked, but it certainly was a screwball movie. I wouldn't mind vacationing there though (ya know, without the drugs and shooting).

Fran said...

Oh, I respect your love of Leo. He's an excellent actor. The clip from "This Boy's Life" makes me want to see that movie. You forgot to throw in a Shutter Island clip.

Unknown said...

He is truly a great actor, but I have a hard time watching movies that deal with just reality. I really like a movie and actor to take me out of this world. This actor is one that not only acts perfect, he is totally believable in his roles. Gosh, he holds one spell bound for sure!