Friday, November 12, 2010

Neil Young - Old Man

It's Neil Young's birthday. I heart him!


Liz said...

I posted a Neil Young song on my FB today... Needle and the damage done. He's one of my fave rockers, and he's Canadian too!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

YAY! Thanks Fran!

Reverend Awesome said...

Oh I LOVE Neil Young! Happy birthday, Neil!

Gallow said...

I probably have more of his music on my ipod than any other artist. He's one of my favorites.

Have any of you hear Dub Side of the Moon. A reggae dub of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. It's pretty interesting, especially if you like reggae and Floyd.

BSOB said...

Wow - so talented! the guitar playing is so awesome. Beautiful voice and lyrics - great performance