Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First House

Being the BABB photo day and birthday, I thought I would share with you a photo of the first house that I lived.   That's the story that our family tells.  When my parents were first married, they had an apartment in this house.  The apartment had two rooms, but those two rooms were larger than their first house.

This building is no longer apartments, and is a very nice bed and breakfast and restaurant.

"Overlooking the village of Groton, in New York's Finger Lakes region, stands the Benn Conger Inn. Originally built in 1921 as a private home for Benn Conger, popular state senator, it became a safe haven for the infamous bootlegger and numbers racketeer Dutch Schultz." - Peter Zon & Douglas Yurubi


Unknown said...

Wow this house is truly beautiful, love the photo...really grand...:)

Gary's third pottery blog said...

gorgeous house Stevo!