Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dare to eat a peach

Late summer, lovely days and cooler night, getting that last desperate bit of sunshine in before the long dark winter....AND all the fruit is in!  As you know, I'm at the Farmers' Market most weekends (unless there's a hurricane, which makes selling paper products completely impossible) and so I have my little fingers on the pulse of the local produce. 

(hmmm, now there's a mental picture for you)

 And what better way to display this luscious fruit than in a beautiful blue bowl by our very own Gary Rith?


Gary's third pottery blog said...

golly, does that BLUE BOWL have peaches written all over it or WHAT? thanks :)

Unknown said...

No kidding that blue bowl really sets off the peaches...

Reverend Awesome said...

Perfect peach bowl.
I was just telling Gary the other day about me and peaches. I love them. They are delicious, but when I try to eat them without removing the skin something weird happens.
It makes it feel like my lip and above my lip up to my nose has tiny little pieces of glass in it. Like I've rubbed insulation on my face! I don't know what that is all about. It's weird and awful, but just means I gotta skin those little guys! Then I'm good to go.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

I know, Rev, that says it--pink insulation or felt...they made awesome jam here on Sunday, but I s'pose I like the texture of nectarines better :)