Monday, August 29, 2011

Leave the Telephone Lines, and Electic Lines in your Photos Campaign.

  I've been looking at a lot of Verne Morton Photos.  Verne Morton was a photographer in  Groton, New York in the early 1900's and he took a lot of photos of this area.  You can actually see a photo of our house in one of his photos. (Click on the second to the last photo.  It's the one with the two girls having a tea party.)  One of the things that I find really interesting about his photos is that it shows how life was during this time.  Some of the photos are dead rats, or kids carrying a dead wood chuck home down a dirt road.  I love these photos.

  I'm starting a campaign to have photographers think twice about removing telephone lines and/or electric lines from their photos.  I think that they will eventually become more of a thing of the past.  Photos can help preserve the past.



Reverend Awesome said...

Totally agree. I feel weird removing anything from my pictures. It seems dishonest. I gotta go check out these dead rats...

k.a. barnes said...

I agree- another thing we take for granted now that will be a curiosity in the future.
And I love that your tags for this post are "dead rats" and "dead woodchucks." Now I'm unfortunately curious about what one finds when one searches the interwebs using those terms....

Gary's third pottery blog said...

people here are a little ghostly aren't they?

Unknown said...

I am glad that as a photographer you are interested in preserving the whole picture. Once again, who are we as humans to decide just what is considered attractive or beautiful. Always have a need to control, good for you Stevo, and love the photos...Truly beautiful, and interesting.