You know I don't attack people on a personal level, I think we are all perfect, and all incredibly imperfect. Can't ask for more than that. I love it!
If you met me in person you would see, I truly do love you! I think you are great, and way so much fun. I appreciate you, for who you are. I love your creativeness, because I do.
I don't lie, steal, cheat, hurt things, etc...But attack society as a whole, yep every minute of every second of every day! hahahhahahahaha!
May I quote the austere physicist Dr. Steve Hawking? "This planet is a Shit hole"! this statement was a direct quote from him during an interview....hahahhahahhaha! He claimed no INTELLIGENT ALIEN would ever come here, for any reason.....bwhahahahhaha! What our astronuats even wear a diaper to commit a possible jealousy murder, how so? I bet the Aliens watch and say, "Only on Earth"! hahahhaha or when we send messages they look at their devices and say, "OMG don't answer it, it's Earth"! bwhahahahhahaha! My thought for today, contemplate this grasshopper, even he died weird!
Oh Maureen, you are a fuching NATIONAL TREASURE! Love you too, gr
I agree with Gary. You're a nstional treasure! I love you and your political incorrectness.
Maureen, you truly do crack me up! Never change!
"I think we are all perfect, and all incredibly imperfect." YES!!!!
Thanks to all my wonderful BABBERS! You guys make it so easy to love you! Now what Rocks more than that? Gosh, life is grand and so worth living when you have such wonderful friends.....
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